Portuguese translation of Autumn Leaves by Bob Dylan. What does Autumn Leaves mean in portuguese
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Autumn Leaves and many other song lyrics of Bob Dylan translated into portuguese can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does Autumn Leaves mean in portuguese?
Besides the lyric of the song Autumn Leaves in portuguese, you will also find Autumn Leaves translated into Portuguese, French, German or other languages.

Autumn Leaves by Bob Dylan (original lyric)

The falling leaves
Drift by the window
The autumn leaves
Of red and gold

I see your lips
The summer kisses
The sunburned hands
I used to hold

Since you went away
The days grow long
And soon I'll hear
Old winter's song

But I miss you most of all
My darling
When autumn leaves
Start to fall.

Autumn Leaves by Bob Dylan (portuguese translation)

As folhas caindo
Passe pela janela
As folhas do outono
De vermelho e dourado

Eu vejo seus lábios
Os beijos de verão
As mãos queimadas de sol
Eu costumava segurar

Desde que você foi embora
Os dias ficam longos
E logo vou ouvir
Canção de inverno antigo

Mas eu sinto sua falta acima de tudo
Minha querida
Quando folhas de outono
Comece a cair.

Only among all we can make this a better place :)

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