English translation of Vete ya by Siggno. What does Vete ya mean in english
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Vete ya and many other song lyrics of Siggno translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does Vete ya mean in english?
Besides the lyric of the song Vete ya in english, you will also find Vete ya translated into Portuguese, French, German or other languages.

Vete ya by Siggno (original lyric)

Mientras al decir
que todo sigue entre los dos
igual que el primer dia
estas en un error,
se que no es verdad
que nuestro amor se marchito
buscaste otro cariņo
segun tu mejor que yo.

Te dejo libre sin cadenas
para que hagas lo que quieras como quieras

Vete ya y sigue tu camino
vete ya y busca tu destino
vete ya y acaba con esta ilusion,
vete ya no vuelvas a buscarme
vete ya o vas a lastimarme
vete ya porque mi corazon
se muere de dolor.

Mientras al decir
que todo sigue entre los dos
igual que el primer dia
estas en un error,
se que no es verdad
que nuestro amor se marchito
buscaste otro cariņo
segun tu mejor que yo.

Te dejo libre sin cadenas
para que hagas lo que quieras como quieras

CORO x 2

vete yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
vete yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Vete ya by Siggno (english translation)

While saying
that everything is still between the two
same as the first day
You are mistaken,
I know it's not true
that our love withered
you looked for another sweetheart
according to your better than me.

I leave you free without chains
to do what you want as you want

Go now and go your way
Go now and find your destination
Go now and finish with this illusion,
leave now do not come back to look for me
go away or you're going to hurt me
go now because my heart
dies of pain.

While saying
that everything is still between the two
same as the first day
You are mistaken,
I know it's not true
that our love withered
you looked for another sweetheart
according to your better than me.

I leave you free without chains
to do what you want as you want


leave yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
leave yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Only among all we can make this a better place :)

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