English translation of Brujería by Robi Draco Rosa. What does Brujería mean in english
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Brujería and many other song lyrics of Robi Draco Rosa translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does Brujería mean in english?
Besides the lyric of the song Brujería in english, you will also find Brujería translated into Portuguese, French, German or other languages.

Brujería by Robi Draco Rosa (original lyric)

Guardo toneladas de poesía explosiva
junto a mi cama
y una pistola cargada de miedo
bajo mi almohada.

Guardo palabras del infierno y del cielo,
risas prohibidas
y gritos tan fuertes que parecen silencios
que hacen heridas.

Poesía, brujería.
Poesía, brujería.

Guardo las fórmulas de un viejo adivino
entre mis libros
que no se pueden pronunciar en voz alta
o estás perdido.

Guardo las lenguas que consumen los hielos en mi cabeza
y terremotos de oraciones
que no se rezan.

Poesía, brujería.
Poesía, brujería.

Brujería by Robi Draco Rosa (english translation)

I save tons of explosive poetry
next to my bed
and a gun loaded with fear
under my pillow.

I keep words from hell and from heaven,
forbidden laughter
and screams so loud that they seem silent
who make wounds.

Poetry, witchcraft.
Poetry, witchcraft.

I keep the formulas of an old fortune teller
between my books
that can not be spoken out loud
or you're lost.

I keep the tongues that consume the ice in my head
and prayer earthquakes
They do not pray.

Poetry, witchcraft.
Poetry, witchcraft.

Only among all we can make this a better place :)

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