English translation of Una rosa by Juan Magan. What does Una rosa mean in english
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Una rosa and many other song lyrics of Juan Magan translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does Una rosa mean in english?
Besides the lyric of the song Una rosa in english, you will also find Una rosa translated into Portuguese, French, German or other languages.

Una rosa by Juan Magan (original lyric)

Quise cortar la flor
más tierna del rosal,
pensando que de amor
no me podría pinchar,
y mientras me pinchaba
me enseñó una cosa
que una rosa es una rosa es una rosa…
Y cuando abrí la mano
y la dejé caer
rompieron a sangrar
las llagas en mi piel
y con sus pétalos
me las curó mimosa
que una rosa es una rosa es una rosa…

Una rosa by Juan Magan (english translation)

I wanted to cut the flower
Tender of the rosebush,
thinking that love
I could not click,
and while I was being punctured
he taught me one thing
that a rose is a rose is a rose ??
And when I opened my hand
and I let it fall
they broke to bleed
the sores on my skin
and with its petals
I cured them mimosa
that a rose is a rose is a rose ??

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