English translation of Diferentes by José Luis Perales. What does Diferentes mean in english
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Diferentes and many other song lyrics of José Luis Perales translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does Diferentes mean in english?
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Diferentes by José Luis Perales (original lyric)

Era su primer beso
y su primera cita
y se contaminaron para siempre
de aquel sabor a fresa y caramelo
y subieron al cielo en un abrazo
y se rompió la tierra en mil pedazos
bajo sus pies desnudos,
bajo sus pies descalzos.

apartados del mundo de los cuerdos
dejándose llevar
sólo del corazón
y el deseo de amarse locamente
como locos de atar
como locos de amor
habitantes de un mundo diferente.

Se fueron una noche
cogidos de la mano
y se olvidaron juntos del regreso
y en sus camas vacías olvidaron
una carta de amor inacabada
dos billetes de tren al paraiso
y bajo su almohada
un sueño florecido.

dos locos peligrosos se han fugado
por si alguien los ve
avisen por favor
caminan abrazados y sonríen
ella viste de azul
y él un traje marrón
y un paraguas abierto
por si llueve


Diferentes by José Luis Perales (english translation)

It was his first kiss
and your first date
and they were contaminated forever
of that strawberry and caramel flavor
and they went up to heaven in a hug
and it broke? the earth in a thousand pieces
under his bare feet,
under your bare feet

away from the world of the sane
letting go
only the heart
and the desire to love each other madly
how crazy to tie
how crazy of love
inhabitants of a different world.

They left one night
holding hands
and they forgot together about the return
and in their empty beds they forgot
an unfinished love letter
two train tickets to paradise
and under his pillow
a dream flourished.

two dangerous crazy people have run away
in case someone sees them
please advise
they walk embraced and smile
she wears blue
and a brown suit
and an open umbrella
in case it rains

Different ...

Only among all we can make this a better place :)

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