English translation of Rana parada by Espinoza Paz. What does Rana parada mean in english
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Rana parada and many other song lyrics of Espinoza Paz translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does Rana parada mean in english?
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Rana parada by Espinoza Paz (original lyric)

Tengo el corazon partido el corazon herido
sangrando esta, tengo el corazon herido
mi corazon partido por la mitad
Esa rana parada lo lastimo
esa ranita parada fue la que me lo ocaciono
Esa rana parada me lastimo
esa ranita parada fue la que me lo ocaciono

(Rico con ganas asi rico rico rico no le cambien)
(Con sabor a cumbia y a Cuisillos)

Tengo el alma mal herida el alma destruida daņada esta
tengo el alma mal herida el alma destruida sin vida esta
Esa rana parada me lastimo
esa ranita parada fue la que me lo ocaciono
Esa rana parada me lastimo
esa ranita parada fue la que a me lo ocaciono

(Rico con ganas yes cumbia sabroso
ahora si todo mundo con las manos arriba
y es Cuisillos para ti)

Tengo el pecho mal herido el pecho destruida sangrando esta
tengo el pecho mal herido el pecho destruida sin respirar
Esa rana parada lo lastimo
esa ranita parada fue la que a me lo ocaciono
Esa rana parada me lastimo
esa ranita parada fue la que me lo ocaciono

Rana parada by Espinoza Paz (english translation)

My heart is broken, my heart is hurt
bleeding this, my heart is hurt
my heart broken in half
That frog stop hurt him
that little frog stop was the one that I gave it to
That frog stop hurt me
that little frog stop was the one that I gave it to

(Rich with desire so rich rich rich never change him)
(Flavored cumbia and Cuisillos)

I have the soul badly hurt the damaged destroyed soul this
I have the soul badly wounded the soul destroyed without life
That frog stop hurt me
that little frog stop was the one that I gave it to
That frog stop hurt me
That little frog stop was the one that a ocaciono

(Rich with desire and tasty cumbia
now if everyone with hands up
and it's Cuisillos for you)

My chest is badly injured, my chest is destroyed, bleeding
my chest is badly injured the chest destroyed without breathing
That frog stop hurt him
That little frog stop was the one that a ocaciono
That frog stop hurt me
that little frog stop was the one that I gave it to

Only among all we can make this a better place :)

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