English translation of Róbinson by Enrique Bunbury. What does Róbinson mean in english
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Róbinson and many other song lyrics of Enrique Bunbury translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does Róbinson mean in english?
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Róbinson by Enrique Bunbury (original lyric)

La primera vez que pregunte si es posible
por supuesto respondio que no
ży el hombre? pregunte żpuede ser mejor?
por supuesto me dijo que no.

solo tres cosas llevaria
a una isla desierta
en mil naufragios intentaria

se que prefiero evitar los problemas
antes que pretender resolverlos
prefiero guardarlos en secreto
y que ellos solos se desvanezcan.

solo tres cosas llevaria
a una isla desierta
en mil naufragios intentaria

puedo otros mundo imaginar
con los ojos cerrados
y puedo en cambio al despertar
no ver nada (por eso)

solo tres cosas llevaria
a una isla desierta
en mil naufragios intentaria

Róbinson by Enrique Bunbury (english translation)

The first time you ask if it is possible
Of course he answered that no
and the man? ask, can it be better?
Of course he told me no.

only three things would take
to a desert island
in a thousand shipwrecks I would try
lose them.

I know I prefer to avoid problems
before trying to solve them
I prefer to keep them secret
and that they alone vanish.

only three things would take
to a desert island
in a thousand shipwrecks I would try
lose them.

can I other world imagine
with eyes closed
and I can instead wake up
not see anything (for that)

only three things would take
to a desert island
in a thousand shipwrecks I would try
lose them.

Only among all we can make this a better place :)

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