English translation of La alacena by Enrique Bunbury. What does La alacena mean in english
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La alacena and many other song lyrics of Enrique Bunbury translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does La alacena mean in english?
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La alacena by Enrique Bunbury (original lyric)

Nube que tuve, toda a tragar,
hoy parpados hinchados te ciegan,
brumaria las horas,
cansado y hambriento

Vierte el cuello entre el hielo,
deja que se humedescan los labios,
inunda la boca de amargo licor
arde garganta.

Partida de dados en el almacen,
miradas atentas empujan.
la sinceridad enemiga del ganador
dilata el pasado y el porvenir.

Vierte el cuello entre el hielo,
deja que se humedescan los labios
inunda la boca de amargo licor,
arde garganta.

Partida de dados en el almacen,
miradas atentas empujan,
la sincerida enemiga del ganador,
dilata el pasado y el porvenir.

La alacena by Enrique Bunbury (english translation)

Cloud that I had, everything to swallow,
today, swollen eyelids blind you,
I will burn the hours,
tired and hungry

Pour the neck between the ice,
let the lips wet,
it floods the mouth with bitter liquor
Burns throat.

Game of dice in the warehouse,
Attentive looks push.
the enemy's sincerity
it dilates the past and the future.

Pour the neck between the ice,
Let the lips moisturize
it floods the mouth with bitter liquor,
Burns throat.

Game of dice in the warehouse,
Attentive looks push,
the sincerida enemy of the winner,
it dilates the past and the future.

Only among all we can make this a better place :)

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