English translation of Pajaro azul by Elisa Petrikowski. What does Pajaro azul mean in english
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Pajaro azul and many other song lyrics of Elisa Petrikowski translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does Pajaro azul mean in english?
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Pajaro azul by Elisa Petrikowski (original lyric)

Si pudieras volar,
sé que ya no volverías
no te interesa más
que el azul, el azul cielo surcar

Aún te falta aprender
lo que es el dolor,
y entenderás el pesar
que llevas en tu interior

Todas esas emociones en el corazón
hay que expresarlas,
no debes tener temor

Si al despertar
te sientes en un mundo irreal,
Abre tus alas y a volar,
debes marchar

Si pudieras volar,
sé que ya no volverías
Y entre las nubes vas,
soñando, soñando en que lo harás.

Si buscas sin cesar,
lo encontrarás algún día
Sigue intentándolo
y el azul, el azul cielo surcar
el azul, el azul cielo surcar
el azul, el azul cielo surcar.

Pajaro azul by Elisa Petrikowski (english translation)

If you could fly,
s? I will not go back
you are not interested anymore
that the blue, the sky blue furrow

You still have to learn
what is pain,
and you'll understand the regret
that you carry inside you

All those emotions in the heart
you have to express them,
you must not be afraid

If upon waking
you feel in an unreal world,
Open your wings and fly,
you must go

If you could fly,
s? I will not go back
And among the clouds you go,
I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming of what you'll do.

If you search without ceasing,
you will find it some day
Keep trying
and the blue, the sky blue furrow
the blue, the blue sky
the blue, the blue sky furrow.

Only among all we can make this a better place :)

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