English translation of A Volta Do Malandro by Chico Buarque. What does A Volta Do Malandro mean in english
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A Volta Do Malandro and many other song lyrics of Chico Buarque translated into english can be found in Translate Lyrics! What does A Volta Do Malandro mean in english?
Besides the lyric of the song A Volta Do Malandro in english, you will also find A Volta Do Malandro translated into Portuguese, French, German or other languages.

A Volta Do Malandro by Chico Buarque (original lyric)

Eis o malandro na praça outra vez
caminhando na ponta dos pés
como quem pisa nos corações
que rolaram dos cabarés
Entre deusas e bofetões
entre dados e coronéis
entre parangolés e patrões
o malandro anda assim de viés
Deixa balançar a maré
e a poeira assentar no chão
deixa a praça virar um salão
que o malandro é o barão da ralé

A Volta Do Malandro by Chico Buarque (english translation)

Here's the rogue in the square again
walking on tiptoe
like someone who steps in hearts
that rolled from the cabarets
Between goddesses and slaps
between dice and colonels
between parangolés and bosses
The trickster walks like that.
Let the tide rock
and the dust lies on the floor
let the square turn a hall
that the rascal is the baron of the rabble

Only among all we can make this a better place :)

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