Feeling in this sad moment
when I do not want to
in no way feel like that ??
Feeling that enters from the side,
it reaches my soul
and it makes me feel so close to you ??
Feeling I have in itself
that does not let me doubt
that someday you will be here ??
To share our bread
our house our love
Comrades forever, you and me.
Feeling of shortening at the end the courses
makes the world small
and the sadness moves away from here.
Feeling that makes me a companion
of every man alive
of the wind, the stones and the sun too.
Because only with thinking
I just want to be in you
conjugated with the verb amar.
With fighting and singing
undertake and finally achieve
the feeling that has arrived here.
Feeling takes me by the hand
take me to your side
and I find the strength to continue.
Holding hands with you until the end
and I find the strength to continue
taken of hand with you until the end ??
(I would like to have you with me,
my feeling is for you is that I love you).
I swear to you, oh mommy good for my life
that all I have is yours
that I am all of you.
Tell me, tell me, tell me soon you will come
that you will be next to me
ay tell me good thing you stay here.
I, I, I want you to want
that what I want with so much desire I would like
Oh darling cute everything I feel here.
Oh, I love you, I love you, I love you,
I want to share with you this great and sincere love
This love that is for you.
For you, for you, for you, Mommy.
Feeling takes me by the hand
you bring me to your soul
and I want good Nerona stay there
Oh, to live with you, yes, yes, yes.
You are my inspiration to me beautiful and divine woman
my reason to sing, reason to feel.
What for, for you, for, for you
I have a lot of sweetness, fondness cataract
an entire heart and everything for you.
Holding hands with you until the end
and I find the strength to continue.
Holding hands with you until the end ...
Swear to me, that although many years pass.
Mom, mom, mom.
Only among all we can make this a better place :)