alalalala lala alaralala lala
Again without saying anything about me
again I'm going through there
where I'm trying without finding
I may find you again.
Again for what you dream
I will dream illusions to fly
I will love everything I can love
and leave in oblivion what I should forget.
For you, not even I will have
nor perhaps the alms of a look
it was better to bury in yesterday
your distant forbidden love that must never have been.
I'm going through there again
again with my face so happy
if your love I arrived because I arrived
of your love I left because I left. (bis)
alalalala lala alaralala lala
I arrived because I arrived, and I left because I left
I love when I can love, I keep walking around.
Over there, I'll walk around
road wherever you want
ami do not tell me anything, mama
in this you stayed outside.
Now everything is different
the thing is not how it was
I go alone, I'm happy
Now I enjoy it whole.
But what are the things of love
is changing the scene
negrona has already lowered the curtain, look
and another novel begins.
These are things that happen
as Tite Curet told me
I will continue on my course
and I wish you much happiness.
But life is a comedy
this is the university
it does not go anywhere
who does not know where he is, hey.
Look negrona, everyone for their course
and that we are happy.
Only among all we can make this a better place :)