Among the many people t-shirt
see them depart to the sea with hope
I remember the voice of a child saying:
Daddy, I want you to bring a fish
good big, pa my ...
Partia Quilito Romero
part Calando Pizarro,
Siquito and Severo leave
to fish as necessary.
They leave singing to life
there is melody in the oars
they say as goodbye
In the afternoon we will see each other.
Those who remain on the shore
they join in a prayer
the horizon to the miles
does not guarantee return.
The horizon to the miles
does not guarantee return.
And it's five in the afternoon
there is no espenza no
a coward crying begins
for so much bad luck.
They sang their farewell
trusting good luck
but the sea that gives life
He wanted to kill this time.
But the sea that gives life
He wanted to kill this time.
(Neither the horizon looks, and least the people who left).
That little boy waiting for a fish that blessed
How will I explain it?
Poor Calando Pizarro
the man who went pal water and but never has to return.
Now the oars reached the shore,
but the boat is not seen.
What do you want to cry in this afternoon?
What suffering Merced.
Cecilio mira said he was not going
That man knew why.
People are still waiting on the shore
like standing trees.
That for love of fishing they went singing
a beautiful melody.
It's five in the afternoon
My people will not come back.
Horizon, foam and sand Siquito
I will never forget you.
But that less people do not, not
and less people.
That is the history,
of the humble man who fights for his livelihood
against the wind and the tide. Hummm ...
Only among all we can make this a better place :)