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He's in love with her by Taylor Swift (original lyrics)
Someone told me, that I can't live with out
Something tells me, that I can't resist that
Something shows me, that is falling love with her
I don't know how, this end so fast


I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I need him
I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I want him
But he's with her
Yeah he's with her
Oh he's in love with her

I don't know what he wants now
Couse when he's with her, he can't stand me
But when he's with me I can see, he needs me
So please tell me, who makes you fell love?


I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I need him
I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I want him
But he's with her
Yeah he's with her
Oh he's in love with her

I heard that in stories there are ends
but in life each end is a new start


I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I need him
I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I want him


I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I need him
I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I want him

I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I need him
I'm talking about him
I'm talking about love
I'm talking about how much I want him
But he's with her
Yeah he's with her
Oh he's in love with her

Someone told me, that I can't live with out..

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