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Move on by Bruno Mars (original lyrics)
How do I end up in
the same old place,
faced again with
the same mistakes,
so stubborn thinkin I
know what is right,
but life proves me wrong everytime,
takin roads that lead me nowhere,
how do I expect to get there,
but when will I learn
to just put you first.

I come to you now when I need you,
but why do I wait to come see you,
I always try to do this on my
own but I was wrong cause
only with you can I move on.
Can I move on.


When I awake it's you that makes
me strong,
and I know that you've been with me all along,
so many times I begin to close
my eyes and listen to my heart,
with you life is so easy why do I
make it hard,
oh takin roads that lead me nowhere
how do I expect to get there
when will I Learn to just put you first.

I come to you now when I need you,
but why do I wait to come see you,
I always try to do this on my own but I was wrong cause
only with you can I move on.

I get out of my own way, let you have your way.
Cause I realize Im no god on my own,
I'm there for you, I'll sell for you
I can't live without you. Noooo

I come to you now when I need you,
why do I wait to come see you,
I always try to do this on my own but I was wrong,
I was wrong, I was wrong.
With only you, only you, with only you.
Can I move on,
can I move on,
can I move on,

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