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I'll Show You by Justin Bieber (original lyrics)
My life is a movie and everyone is watching,
so let's get to the good part and past all the nonsense.

Know that it's hard to do the right thing
when the pressure's coming down like lighting.

It's like they want me to be perfect
but they don't even know that I'm hurting.

This life's not easy,
I'm not made out of steel.

Don't forget that I'm human,
don't forget that I'm real.

Act like you know me but you never will.

That's one thing that I know for sure
I'll show you, I'll show you, I'll show you, I'll show you.

I got to learn things, learn them the hard way
to see what it feels like, no matter what they say.
Know that it's hard to do the right thing
when the pressure's coming down like lighting.

It's like they want me to be perfect
but they don't even know that I'm hurting.

This life's not easy,
I'm not made out of steel.

Don't forget that I'm human,
don't forget that I'm real.

Act like you know me but you never will.

That's one thing that I know for sure
I'll show you, I'll show you, I'll show you, I'll show you.

I'll Show You by Justin Bieber (Translation in spanish) - Copyright 2024 - Lyrics translation from-to English and other languages Contact Privacy Policy
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