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Rats by Devendra Banhart (original lyrics)
One above
Heaven under
One for thirst
One for hunger
I am the dark
You are the thunder
I am the doubt
You are the wonder
And since time began
You've been the long time man
Mama, ain't it grand
that I get to be the fool again
I get to be the fool again

I close my eyes and I see you dancing
do you see me when you close yours too?
'cause every kiss that I don't give, another life that I don't live
but mama, it's so much sweeter when I do

Love is light ignited
and everyone is invited
but if you don't ever try
how can you give it one more try?
if you don't ever, ever try
how can you give it one more try?
give it one more try

I close my eyes and I see you dancing
do you see me when you close yours too?
'cause every kiss that we don't give, another life that we don't live
and mama, it's so much sweeter when we do
aaah! uuuh!


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