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All In My Head by Kat Deluna (original lyrics)
Ah, ah ,ah
I got a ship in the sky
And it floats around the eighth wonder of the world
And all of the seven dwarfs got my back (got my back)
Snow was whack she couldn't wear it like that (it like that style in that style)

Come into my secret get away
You are more than welcome here to stay
You don't need a ticket here to play (use your imagination)
Come into my secret get away
You are more than welcome here to stay
You don't need a ticket here to play

Cause it's all in my head (all in my head)
Don't you wish that you was there (yeah yeah)
Cause it's all in my head (all in my head)
Don't you wish that you was there (yeah yeah)
Cause its all in my head (all in my head)
All in my head (all in my head)
It's all in my head
It's all in my head
It's all in my head
It's all in my head

G.i. joe asked my out
But i told him to ask barbie instead
Cause i'm more of a smart
Hije hije
Don't you wish you could do things like i did
Like i did
Like i did

Come into my secret get away
You are more than welcome here to stay
You don't need a ticket here to play (use your imagination)
Come into my secret get away
You are more than welcome here to stay
You don't need a ticket here to play

Cause it's all in my head (all in my head)
Don't you wish that you was there (yeah yeah)
Cause it's all in my head (all in my head)
Don't you wish that you was there (yeah yeah)
Cause its all in my head (all in my head)
All in my head (all in my head)
It's all in my head
It's all in my head
It's all in my head
It's all in my head

Oh oh oh oh oh

Tonight the stars are pink
Like the color of my lips
Very trendy don't you think
I travel in balloons
It's the only limousine that can take you to the moon

Ah ah ah ah ah
Ah ah ah...

Cause it's all in my head (all in my head)
Don't you wish that you was there (yeah yeah)
Cause it's all in my head (all in my head)
Don't you wish that you was there (yeah yeah)
Cause its all in my head (all in my head)
All in my head (all in my head)
It's all in my head
It's all in my head
It's all in my head
It's all in my head

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