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Dear Simone by Robi Draco Rosa (original lyrics)
She`s too young for the lesson
why daes she sell herself for what she
is it freedom of choice, does it really matter?
or is she forced
by her society?
dear simone do you find the answers
in selling your body
for the green?
dear simone is it worth the life you live?
dear simone is
there is love what you give?
she`s got it good in the making
all she
needs is just a little time
she gives it up now, gives it up for the
any man who wants to stay awhile
dear simone do you find the
in selling your body for the green?
dear simone...
now dear simone has a broken heart
and she feels something deep inside
she sees
that life was in front of her
the life she now has to push aside
and dear
simone has a broken dream
she sits alone with herself on her mind
was it
for pleasure or for the green
was it worth it for that better life

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